Artie losing before he even gets paid

February 11, 2008

“When I’m up by a lot, I got so comfortable.”

Before Artie even got 10% percent of his winnings back from the Super Bowl win, Artie loses $5,500 on betting the under on the Pro Bowl.  He has an account with a bookie, so he was letting it role over the weekend. Give it a little while and we will see why the Indians are so rich in the Northeast.

It’s nice to see Artie gambling again, he just seems happier. LOL

Artie outside the Thurman Munson Awards Dinner

February 8, 2008

Thank you to Evan for sending this picture in.

Evan and Artie outside the Munson Awards Dinner in Manhattan on Tuesday 2/4/08


When Gorillas Attack

February 8, 2008

If  you missed Artie’s lash out at Mike, here is a taste. Around the 2 min mark is the best

The Art of Artie

February 7, 2008

Aaron Fulcher sent this original artwork in today, by far the best thing I have seen yet (not taking away from any of the other submissions). I give you- The Renaissance Man.I just wish I didn’t have to shrink down the original image he sent in.


Check out some cool clothing from the same artist.

High Pitch Mike and Artie butt heads again

February 7, 2008

“Get your sister in here and I would fuck your sister on the couch right now” squealed Mike as he tried to prove his masculinity.

A whole thing started up this morning about Mike going to see 27 dresses and then it blew up into a whole “gay” explosion with Artie going over the top.

“I’m a gay basher and ill bash your head!” – Artie

(i gotta run, but i got it recorded so ill put up a clip later)

Eric the Midgets Webcam Show

February 7, 2008

Oh well that was an experience…. I was hanging around the JFSC Stickam webcam yesterday. Yes, I was bored but I couldn’t believe the amount of people who were also bored gawking at the girls on cam in there. Somehow Eric got some attractive girls to help out him and his web chat. They didn’t really seem to be leeching on a chance of getting Stern notoriety but you never know.

I went back on later to catch some of his Idol show and holy fuck is that torture. I taped a little of it below… with some added flare.

Dana gets 1000 red roses

February 6, 2008

Howard asked: “Are you guys fucking?”
Artie replied: “Yea I’m fucked out about eight grand. No , it has never gotten to that level again”

Artie thanked this morning for helping him send Dana 1,000 red roses. Dana told Artie he should fuck up more often (because of the roses).

Some more details arose about Artie and Dana’s rekindling relationship. About 3 weeks ago they met up and Artie kissed Dana goodnight and she reciprocated. Yea no wonder she is so pissed Art.

Apparently Artie and Dana are seeing each other this weekend. I can’t believe Dana fell for it.

Fat Piece of Shit

February 5, 2008

One of Robin’s male friends said Artie looks like shit (originally stated as fat piece of shit). Can anyone say Jim Florentine? Could be some retaliation for all the shit Artie exposes to Robin about Jim. Artie questioned how could someone call him a fat piece of shit without even knowing him.

I’m pretty sure no one needs to know you to call you a fat piece of shit. That’s what I call Rosie O’Donnell and I don’t know her — and I’m right.

Mountain of Therapy

February 5, 2008

The Dana saga continues…

Artie and Dana talked again last night and as Artie put it “she thinks there’s an insane mountain of therapy… when am i gonna start living life and stop going to therapy”.

Howard told Artie straight up that it is over and that she loves him but she is sticking to her guns with the therapy thing (which Artie won’t do).

You just got caught out

February 4, 2008

Dana returned Artie’s multiple phone calls and kept on saying that he “got caught”. Apparently Artie tried to convince her that nothing was going to happen, etc… but it wasn’t working. Howard and Artie tried to do their damage control routine on the show this morning but it is so fake. Do they really think someone is going to buy “its just a bit on the show” line. It makes you wonder how many times Howard used that on his ex while he was feeling up breasts.

Artie brought this on himself. It’s one thing if it was all on the radio but its another when there is an itinerary set up by a CBS exec about when and where your gonna get a blowjob.